Monday, June 05, 2006

Good or Bad

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The swift Project:,1217,a=178262,00.asp

Good read on 2 factor:

I have put the subject as good or bad, because I was very excited one day back as I thought that I have identified the way to go ahead....I was excited that this can be the thing and it will be killing....
the idea is indeed killing but I know now that I am not the only one thinking in in this direction...
now I know that i am atleast 3-4 years behind them.....
I could take this in a positive way or negative way...

Thinking Negatively, I need to be more agressive...Need to be updated.. I still havn't learnt to do my homework well...Still need to learn a lot to cope up in the competitive fast moving world..

Being positive, I know that I am lagging by just few years...I can think in the same direction at same level the way the people sitting in HP and Hitachi RnD labs, with big PdD degree are thinking... thats a real good point... They are ahead of me because they came to know about the problem beefore I could...and that is because of the exposure they are getting
Had I not been where I am today, I would not have thought about these stuff either...

So conclusion is; I Need to get more exposure more talk more, write (still to start) and think more..